Helping funders and arts organizations realize their vision since 1996.

Racial Equity in Grantmaking
A Call for Interest in Assessing Progress
From Grantmakers in the Arts
and the Doris Duke Foundation

Application Form Questions

The questions below are for your information. Your answers must be entered in the Form at this link.  


  • We are collecting information to better understand your organization’s interest in the REG as well as your capacity to participate.
  • In order to participate, funders will need to provide data and meet certain requirements.
  • DDF and GIA will select a group of 10-15 funders to be interviewed. From that, a cohort of 10 participants will be selected following the interviews.


Please enter the staff member who would be responsible for leading this project for your organization. GIA and DDF encourage arts leadership to participate in this project. Ideally, staff would involve some with full program perspective.
– Name:
– Title:
– Email:
– Role in managing program’s grant data (if any):

Staff Manager most likely to undertake the work (if different to the above)
– Name:
– Title:
– Email:
– Role in managing program’s grant data (if any)

Scheduler. Person to contact regarding scheduling meetings:
– Name:
– Title:
– Email:

About Your Organization

  • Type of organization
    – Private foundation
    – Nonprofit regranting organization
    – Operating foundation
    – Government agency
  • Annual arts program grant budget:
  • Average number of arts grants given per year:
  • Arts grant amount range and/or average size:

Capacity to Undertake Project

Participating in this project will require your organization to prepare and submit data, as well as attend meetings and review and respond to materials.

Steps are as follows:

  • Provide access to program grant records in a designated format for the designated time period of five years, 2018- 2022. REG uses a common data template, which has been adapted from the Candid eReporter template.
  • Code grant records. Coding will be done using a Working Guide: a set of measures that were designed with past participating arts funders. Refer to the Overview and FAQs for more information.
  • Review short reports that summarize findings from each of the DDF programs.
  • Attend approximately 3-4 90-minute meetings from late 2023 to fall 2024.
  • Sign a confidentiality statement about this project.

How doable does this sound?

  • Fully doable
  • Probably doable
  • Not doable
  • Not sure

    Comment on your choice.

What, if anything, concerns you about completing this work?


We anticipate the following schedule.

  • January 2024—Orientation. Your full set of (uncoded) grant data will be due. Meet once with the cohort of funders for orientation and training purposes.
  • March 2024—Rough Sort will be completed. Meet once with the cohort to review participants’ results.
  • July 2024—Refined Coding will be completed. Meet once with the cohort to review participant’s results.

In addition, several one-on-one or small group meetings will be scheduled to support cohort members’ in completing their coding.

Can you submit your grants data for 2018-2022 by early January 2024?

  • Yes
  • No

Do you anticipate being able to meet the timeline above?

  • Yes
  • Not Sure
  • No

Are there any significant calendaring issues we should be aware of that might impact your participation in REG during the first half of 2024?

What if any concerns do you have about the timeline?

Data Availability

  • Do you use the Candid e-Reporter template?
  • If not, are you willing to export and convert your grant records to a required template similar to Candid’s? Our template is here.  
  • How complete is your data? Do you have data for a consistent set of fields including:
    – Recipient name
    – Recipient address
    – Grant amount
    – Year funded
    – Program area
    – Grant description
  • Do you currently code your grants for population(s) that are served or that benefit through the project? If yes: do you use the Candid Philanthropic Classification System (PCS) codes?
  • Do you complete other Philanthropic Classification System (PCS) codes? Such as subject, type, etc.?
  • Do you code or notate your grants data in other ways (outside of using PCS) for racial equity? If so, describe what codes are applied and how.

Discretion and Confidentiality

Participants will need to sign a confidentiality agreement to hold all reports and information shared during meetings in confidence.

Do you anticipate any problem with doing that?

  • Yes
  • No

If yes, explain.

Does your organization have confidentiality standards that inhibit you from sharing data with this project?

Your Interests and Past Experiences

Please share brief responses to the following questions. During 30-minute interviews with organizations under consideration, these questions will be further discussed.

  • In what ways has your organization engaged with racial equity in the past? In addition to attending training and written statements, please specify any action steps taken. Be as specific as possible.
  • What about REG interests you? Why would you like to participate?
  • What, if any, concerns do you have about participating?
  • Do you envision using the findings and information from this project internally? If so, how?
  • Please share any questions or comments.

Interview Questions

  • In what ways has your organization engaged with racial equity in the past? In addition to attending training and written statements, please specify any action steps taken.
  • Briefly, what about this project interests you?
  • What concerns do you have about participating?
  • Do envision using the findings and information from this project internally? If so, how?
  • Please share any questions or comments.
  • Are there any significant calendaring issues we should be aware of that might impact your participation in REG during the first half of 2024? (e.g. time off, etc.)
  • Would you like to ask Hannah Durack, formerly with the Mellon Foundation, any questions, as a past participant?